Monday, March 19, 2012

Alphabet Wall in Baby's Nursery

Well, I finally finished my alphabet wall art project for the baby's nursery!  Here's a finished look at my masterpiece:

Here's how I did it: 
I purchased most of the letters at Hobby Lobby as plain wooden or cardboard letters.  Some of them were already decorative and/or painted (like the G, I, J, & N).  On the plain ones I painted some and then mod-podged scrapbook paper on the rest (example: E is painted; Z is mod-podged with paint on sides).  

I used a cross for the letter T and even made a couple of my own letters (like the Superman S that I cut using my cricut machine).  All in all, I LOVE the finished product!  I was able to customize each letter to whatever I wanted and I'm all about customization!!

I had originally planned on putting all the letters directly onto the wall and then started to think about having 26 holes in my wall which was not very appealing (especially to my husband whom I had recruited to hang all these letters!).  So I decided to do plan B and purchase a large canvas from Michael's and then adhere all the letters to the canvas.  That way I only had to hang the canvas on the wall (which made for a much cleaner look AND a much happier husband.  Win-win!).

So now it's up in the nursery and is definitely the focal point of the room (at least until my precious baby gets here!).  Hope you enjoyed my how-to and if you feel so inclined to leave a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts!

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